Monday, January 14, 2008

new perspectives

I was getting ready for my swim aerobics when an elderly lady with a walker says to me "oh to have a body like that!" I was just thinking how I needed to loose a good 10 to 15 pounds and how out of shape I was with not having exercised for a month through holidays. I told her that and she replied "I'm just skin and bones, be thankful you are so healthy". I never thought of my body as strong and healthy. We are so indoctrinated to see any extra weight or flabbiness as ugly and now I saw it as a sign of being blessed and provided for and young and strong. It gave me a spirit of thanks that I've rarely had over my body.

I was reading in the book and it said to sell your possessions and give to the poor. I was thinking about what that meant, when later in the day the Sandfords brought xmas gifts to us- little garage sale stuff, candy and cars for AO#1, candy and hair set for AO#2. The neat thing was that I was thinking that AO#2 could use a hand mirror for when I am doing her hair and these neighbors with so little just give of what they have or can acquire- always thinking of others. I want to be more like that.

We took the kids to a museum and at one point AO#1 starting screaming with joy "bum bums, bum bums!" There were tactfully drawn trapeze artists in all their muscular array and little else (body parts were more suggested than explicit), but it made me realize how freeing it is that sexuality is not some twisted, or shameful thing to children. It's just beauty and they know it. There is nothing complicated or hidden, just an innocent worship and thanks of what is truly magnificent- the human body.

1 comment:

Deana said...

I came to grips last year with my "not-ever-going-to-be-the-same-pre-baby-body"
I saw a picture of my little self and thought, I couldn't hold my son, let alone do all the things I need to if I was that size!

Glad for healthy and strong!