Saturday, May 31, 2008


I finally got to see Princess at her home! I had wanted to go get her last weekend, but she said she had to get approval from her probation officer first and it being a long weekend, she couldn't be reached. Then she found out when she saw her during the week that she is on level 3 meaning that she can't go anywhere. So I went to her place. It was weird as always when I'm at her place. She didn't really visit or talk with me. When her sister was there, she talked some since her sister is very social and helped her with relational cues like: tell her what you learned at TYC... Then Princess told me how she learned to manage her anger and not yell at the kids that then she can not build relationship with them. She also said that she already has 21 credits toward graduating and the only thing she lacks in her history credit. I'm not sure how all that happened because she has difficulties with simple reading and math, unless she has made quantum leaps in learning since I've helped her with school type work. But she excitedly talks about how TYC will pay for 2 years of going to the community college here and of wanting to get her life on track. I told her I'd keep her to her promise of opening up to me and that I'd visit her at her home until we could go out together. At the end she was watching some smut TV and I told her I may as well go home. Agent B reminded me that she hasn't seen tv much in the last couple of years, so it is an alluring vortex for her to be sucked into.

my uncle

Thank you for your prayers for my uncle. Please continue to pray for him. The posts have been removed due to sensitivity. Thank you for praying and for your concern. Wisdom and timeliness are of the essence right now.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

She's HOME!

Yesterday was a marathon day. I thought I'd be an hour or two at the doctor's with Mbamie and her husband for their first OBGYN appointment, but it took forever. The paperwork was of course atrocious, so that was the first delay. Mbamie can not really read or write much on top of the language barrier, so just to write her name, date and address takes a very long time, so I ended up just filling pages out for her. When we got to see the nurse, she couldn't find the heartbeat, then they had problems reaching her cervix and thought she could be dilating early. I lost count of how many sonograms in 3 different buildings that she had, but it was somewhere around 10, some of which were very painful. It was pretty bad. I thought I was going to pass out by the last ones since we had missed lunch and it was dragging on in these little rooms with more people than the room is meant for. But the good thing is that everything is fine. The specialist finally confirmed that she is not dilating. She has lost a baby soon after birth and had 3 c-sections, so they are going to watch her closely to make sure she and baby are well. Everyone was very kind and I was so glad I was able to go. First of all, it would have been so hard without translation help, second they didn't have to face all the scares by themselves, third, I got to see them see sonogram video and pictures of their baby for their first time ever (they never had sonograms in Africa). The medical personnel were all very nice. It was a good thing Agent B didn't have work that day. The plan was that he would watch our two a couple of hours and I would keep them and the extras the rest of the day. Agent B got dumped with all 4 kids when the 2 hours became 6 hours!

I just got off the phone with Princess- she is home!!! She is so excited and hanging out with all her family tonight- aunts, nephews, sisters... May this be the start of a new life for her.


The Baiers got some bad news today. Isaiah is essentially deaf. He can't hear out of one ear and the other has moderate to severe impairment and is getting worse. They have to make decisions about cochlear implants and face a drastically different life for them and their son. The good thing is that his life was spared and the brain damage seems minimal or even self correcting, but they will have a lot of adjustments to make with the loss of his hearing.

CEO- May your power and Spirit be with all these friends as they go through these major transitions of life. May you give them life and life more abundantly.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

another secret agent

We're busting through the status quo of 2 point whatever kids and working on number 3. We're excited. We've always said we'd like 4 so we'll see if we still have energy after this one for another. While we love our two, it just seems like we are meant to have a bigger household. I joke with people that the CEO said to be fruitful and multiply. Having one is downsizing the population, having 2 kids is maintaining, having 3 is adding, so you have to have at least 4 to multiply! ha, ha. Most people I'm sure will seem shocked since we have "our girl and boy"- isn't that the perfect scenario? Not for us. We are excited to know this new little person and welcome him/her into our family and on our journey.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Baier update

I know you are all in suspense to know how the Baiers are doing. They are doing really great- all 4 of them. Lilian Ruth was born to Tighe and Greg at about 4:20pm, today, May 8th, in Abilene. She is 8 1/2 pounds and absolutely gorgeous.

Of course, there is the story behind it all. Greg and Tighe have gotten really tired of hospitals and were desperate to get home, but their leaving was delayed yesterday. Tighe was having good contractions then, but they got irregular later in the day. The plan was that she and her mom were going to leave this morning as Isaiah went in for his last MRI and Greg and Isaiah would come when he had recovered. This morning, they changed plans, leaving Tighe's mom with Isaiah, Greg and Tighe left for Abilene. She had contractions the whole way- lots of intense contractions all 2.5 hours it took to get here. Their car's service engine light also came on and when that last happened, it broke down, so she called telling me that they were on the road and to pray that their car didn't break down. It didn't- thank God! They drove straight to the hospital and Tighe was already dilated to an 8! They are so glad Greg chose to go with Tighe. When I last saw them at the hospital here, Isaiah and his grandmother had not even arrived yet in Abilene, since the recovery took longer than they had anticipated in Dallas. Tighe is looking forward to going HOME tomorrow with her new baby. Isaiah, his grandmother and Greg will get to stay in Abilene tonight, in real beds, in a real home, among familiar things. YEAH!

Isaiah will have to go back Tues. for another MRI (his daddy will take him) and Tighe's mom will stay here with her and the baby. With that test, they will also see the ear specialist and find out what can be done to help Isaiah with his hearing. Pray that a really good solution can be found, or that his hearing improves dramatically before then.

It was a very good day. Tighe looks amazing as you can see and Lily (as they will call her) is stunning. It was nice that they got to be in a different hospital for the birth, in their home town. It was eerie for me as I drove up seeing the helicopter parked at Hendrick, knowing that is the vehicle that whisked Isaiah away in a successful attempt to save his life. I think that few people have lived such a drastically life altering series of events as these last couple of weeks have brought the Baiers- both the saving of their first born and the fight for his life and the birth of their second. They have felt your love and prayers all along and that has made all the difference.

By the way, Greg was saying something about some new wires hanging down bellow the car, saying that he is sure they made it here on prayer alone. They are so relieved to be home and starting this new chapter- with Lily and moving on past the meningitis.

thanks to everyone for all you have done.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Baiers

The Baiers are currently waiting for an ear specialist who is supposed to arrive back in Dallas today. They told her they could go home, but that they wouldn't want to see anyone else, that this guy is the best. So they are hoping to see him. Also, there is a possibility that they can do surgery on Isaiah's ears and if so, the sooner the better, so they are wanting to find out what he sees in Isaiah's ears and get his ideas and possibly help.

In the meantime, Tighe was having regular contractions this morning- 35 secs. long and 7 min. apart (for those of you who know what that means). But they just called (1pm) saying that the contractions are now erratic, so they are a little disappointed and are asking us to pray for them, the timing and delivery. They were also disappointed to not get to go home yet, so ask the Lord to give them stamina to keep on.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Rosalind is not doing good. She called me about 4 times through the night- to pray for her and read scripture over her. She was flipping out- hearing her deceased boyfriend talking to her, blaming her, hating her. The second time she called was from the hospital where they gave her some anti-depressants and sent her home, telling her to call MHMR in the morning. She's talking about going to Big Spring where the hospital for those who are mentally ill are treated. She really needs help.

I kept speaking truth over her, but it was like she couldn't even hear it, yet alone understand or take hold of it. While I was thinking this over, I saw that she was like a person who had built on sand- or worse on quicksand. She isn't on the rock that gives her strength in the storm, but is tossed mercilessly by the powers of darkness. But the power of love can prevail. She has hit her bottom- or so it seems and wants to live right. She said someone stopped by yesterday offering her crack and she refused. She wants to be free- of her addictions, of the voices, of Don and the haunting call of mental illness. She kept saying she didn't want to be crazy. She was in a really bad way.

With further tests, the Baiers found out that Isaiah does have hearing loss. Pretty severe hearing loss. So they are about to meet with a specialist to find out what can be done. They are anxious to get home and be out of hospitals, but are trying to way out what will be best for their son and of course put his needs first.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Isaiah's recovery!

Isaiah had a huge turn-around this weekend. Friday, he "woke up". He started talking like before, he was playing and alert, hearing and seeing. Yesterday, they took him outside in a wagon and he took a couple of steps. Thank you for all your prayers and concern over him. All your love and care meant a lot to the Baiers and helped tremendously. At this point, the cream to top it all off would be if Tighe could have the baby there at Cook's before they are released. They are so sick of hospitals and she does not want to go in to labor right before they leave, or on the way home. She is already dilated to a 3 and is 70% effaced as of last week and is 39 weeks on Monday, so she was going to talk to the doctor Monday about being induced, but the best thing would be if she just went into labor on her own today or tomorrow. They are supposed to be released Thurs. morning from Cook's.

Isaiah will still be on anti-seizure medicine for a while and will have a specialist watching him, plus he will be getting tubes in his ears as soon as he is able to handle that.

This has been such an incredible progression. We give thanks to the Lover for giving them peace and healing at this critical time, and for all the love and prayers from so many people around the world.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

more prayer requests

Rosalind, Princess' aunt, called me today. She has been on and off drugs and the realm that brings pretty much all her life. About a week ago, her boyfriend died of an overdose. She called today freaking out, wanting me to pray for her, saying that her boyfriend's spirit was tormenting her, that he was in her body and making her crazy. I told her that taking drugs will allow all sort of evil to enter in and she admitted to taking something last night. I'm sure it was still in her system, she was really wigged out. But she knows the answer is the Lord and as we prayed together and as she cast out and renounced the drugs and her past life, she got some measure of peace. She hasn't slept in several days and her aunt said that if she didn't sleep tonight, she is going to take her to the mental hospital. Rosalind has been there before and doesn't want to go back, so she wants me to call her and pray with her again before she goes to sleep. I ask you to join with me in praying for her that she will have peace and will have victory over the darkness and drugs that keep ensnaring her from walking in victory.


I also found out that Princess will soon be coming home. I know it will be a hard transition for her to come back. She is to come home the week of mother's day. She will come home to the hard realization that her friend is gone, to a family that is still as it has been, while she tries to lead a new life in the Lord. I hope for her sake that Rosalind will not be in close proximity of her. I also pray that we will be able to foster a more open and honest relationship. Princess has always been very guarded with me, shielding me and everyone from her life and emotions. May she be able to talk and be honest with others, herself and most importantly with the Lover.

Continue your prayers also for Isaiah Baier, for his mom Tighe, dad Greg and unborn sister Lily (those are their real names). Each day Isaiah improves a little. He said a couple of words and had his first bite of real food since the weekend. Tighe met a doctor who doesn't take medicaid, but is going to deliver her baby for free. She held Tighe as she cried, saying that she would be there with her through it all and that she was praying for her. Tighe felt like she had met an angel. They have been so thankful for everyone's prayers and the way the body of Christ has reached out to them in their time of need. Keep praying for Isaiah to recover from this fully and continue to show signs of improvement. They are not sure if he has suffered hearing loss as he has two really bad ear infections as well. Peace over the Baiers.

Sorry for the onslaught. Thanks for reading and for praying.