Monday, August 25, 2008

prayers for AO#1 and us

We would appreciate prayers for help in knowing how to guide AO1 through his issues. He has been having troubles with using the potty and has become fearful in many circumstances, plus has comfort issues, like clothing or sweat bothering him. I think that part of this is his personality, but we are trying to help him be able to face situations with confidence or at least peace and be able to join in socially to activities as well as. It has been very stressful on me as I've not known how to assist him and I see him struggling and in torment over things small or more important.

Your prayers for us and him are appreciated.


Leanne Stewart said...

you mentioned some things I am familiar with. thought I'd pass it along for what it's worth.

if this is overstepping, I apologize. if you have any questions, email me, okay?

agent wife said...

thanks for the link leanne. I will keep it in mind as AO#1 grows and progresses to note any other symptoms. So far he doesn't have any except the potty stuff and shoe issues and I think those are in part to his personality.