Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kingdom keyholders- children's wisdom vol.2

I asked AO#1 to tell all of us what his favorite color was and where he could see it. Normally he always says green, so his response surprised me. He said: "green, red, blue, orange, white, yellow, purple..." So then I asked where he could see them and he replied: "Everywhere in the world. In Jesus. I saw them in Jesus".

Every once in a while I ask the kids to be still and see if the CEO will communicate with them or show them something and several times AO#1 has said that the Lover showed him colors.

What all do you think the Lover may be telling us with colors?


Leanne Stewart said...

First to mind was the rainbow and God's promise behind it.

Second was all the colors of man.

Third was, may God continue to bind His vision with AO#1's.


Anonymous said...

I will have to think about the color question....

What a great idea about having your kids sit still and listen for the Lord! I am still trying to learn that myself. How powerful to learn it as a child.

I have been praying for your friends. Please keep us updated.