Sunday, September 21, 2008

side by side

May called yesterday and as I was telling her about Mbamie, we discovered that Mbamie's baby was buried next to May's grandson. She also knew the nurse that had carried Mbamie's daughter down to the morgue at the hospital and asked me if I was the translator Mbamie had had. I don't know if it's some weird coincidence or just the fact that we live in a fairly small city/town. May said that she had seen the un-marked grave next to her grandson's and put a colored stone on it and talked to the baby. She visits out there about once a week, talking to her grandson.

We discussed grief and marvelled at how the Lover comes to us in our pain and that we can see His grace through such hard times, even while we cry out "why? why? why?". (My nephew passed before he was born two years ago now and not knowing him how we had hoped will always be an ache in our hearts). This obviously isn't a new struggle and I think is one that Jesus himself struggled with in the garden- if there is some other way... I don't know why innocent little babies die, but I do know that the Lover is with us in our grieving. The CEO allowed for His only son to be brutally murdered in order that He could send the Comforter to us in our own times of need.

Mbamie still feels very much looped out and I told her this could be in part from the pain meds. as well as the grief. She said she's not sure if she is among the living or not. Pray for the Comforter to wrap His arms around her, give her peace and open her eyes to the abundant love she has in her home- her refound husband and two living children. May she find hope again. Also, Mbamie and her husband need unity and peace regarding future children or permanent birth control. Her medicaid will not last indefinitely and they need the Lover to show them the right path for them together.

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