Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our life at present

Yesterday, we got to hear Shaman share what He felt the CEO was up to these days. It was very enriching and thought provoking. The best part for me was his depiction of transformation into Christlikeness and that this will do away with performance because our goal is not to become better people, but to have the mind of Christ and love others. I have a tendency to be performance oriented, so it was good to have this perspective change.

I also realized that during this desert time of our lives, I have become lazy, complacent and spiritually pouty. I have been disciplined and as things have been broken off of me, I have been like a child sitting in time out with my arms crossed saying "fine, if you don't like how I've done things, I just won't do anything". Instead of loving the CEO with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and allowing His presence to give me a new heart and manner.

I'm ready for a new day, a new me, a new communion with the Lover and new assignment.

On another note, the kids and I have been doing projects and making pages inspired from our reading through the book of Mark. I made them each a 3 ring binder to put the different things we make into, as our walls are rapidly filling up with art creations. The gospel of Mark is great to read with kids since it is to the point and a book of action. By putting their pages into the binder, we will eventually have pictoral reminders from the entire book and will thus be able to "read" the book together from what we have created.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great idea! lil' sis