Thursday, December 13, 2007

a home for misfits

This trip has been a real blessing so far. I didn't have any of my regular going home frustration dreams. In them, I am defending/arguing about church issues with one of my parents. I had none of those feelings of inadequacy or of religious judgement this time. I've also been seeing how my desires to help those in need and reach out to misfits has been birthed by my family.

The day of our arrival, my mom discovered that she would be a foster mom of sorts. Their church has also been reaching out to African refugees and one family has gotten into a situation with CPS. Sonora was taken from her dad and put in a foster home that was not taking care of her well. The mother in the States, whose sister my mom had helped, asked my parents to intervene. So, they are currently the caregivers of a pre-teen. As I reflected on this, I remember how my parents were always asking people to come to diner after church- not the regulars or close friends, but every visitor, any foreigners and otherwise unfamilied travellers were welcomed in. This is a normal part of their lives and has a added a lot of flavor and appreciation to our lives and home.


Andrew said...

Merry Christmas to you Agent wife! I miss it when you don't update regularly. I hope this finds you in good Christmas cheer! Happy Holidays!

IZenBet said...

happy new year agents! it was nice meeting b during the God for People who Hate Church (vol.1)
praying for you and your family in Abeliene.
Saint in Salem,

Reese said...

im thinking about moving to abilene but the only info that i can get are text book stuff. i would really like to know what its like by people who live there. please email me back, i would greatly appreciate it. thanks. Reese

agent wife said...

reese- sorry it's taken so long for me to get back to you. I was out of pocket. I couldn't find your e-mail through your profile, if you e-mail me at I will have your email to respond to you about living in Abilene.