Thursday, March 13, 2008


My kids got their second round of the flu this weekend- it was intense at times, but lasted only 48 hours, so that was a good thing. We went to see Obiwan Monday evening to tell him we were sorry not to have seen him in such a long time, but that the kids had had the flu again. He looked straight at me, pointed to me and said in essence "you're next". Obiwan has a very bad habit of speaking what I would call "word curses", even over his friends. I am usually very vigilant to refuse his words, but I had been doing that already for weeks and was tired of it, so instead I just said "yes", a simple little word, but my affirmation could have caused my coming days of torture. The next morning I woke up sore all over, by nighttime I felt like a cement truck had hit me, through the night and the next day, it felt like a combination of malaria and labor pains, with fevers, chills, pain and exhaustion. Some would look at this post sceptically and say there is no truth in it. I will admit that I had some of my daughter's banana from when she was sick- I'm sure that didn't help.

The same morning I saw Obiwan, I had read about the weapons of our warfare having Divine power to demolish strongholds, arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. And had been thinking about the passage in James that talks about the power of the tongue for wrecking havoc.

Whatever the case, I am glad to be on the mend and am reminded to guard my tongue and guard what I receive from others-verbally and orally.


Anonymous said...
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agent wife said...

anonymous- thank you for visiting this blog. I deleted your comment for several reasons- the main ones being that it had absolutely nothing to do with commenting on my reflections in the post and everything to do with posting your own rant about religion, politics and life at large. Please start your own blog to post these lengthy thoughts and refrain here to concise interactions concerning what was written.