Monday, January 19, 2009

The CEO covered our butts again

We are inducing labor to have our 3rd baby tomorrow. She's past her due date and we're ready to have her. Since we have 2 others, I had all sorts of elaborate plans for a sitter for them- a night sitter, weekend possibilities, daytime sitter... Today before my doctor appointment, my day sitter Tighe, called to say that her son Isaiah is sick (be praying for him, he is the one who has had 2 bouts of menningitis- that's not what he has now, but it would just be better if he gets over this quickly). I was trying to think of someone to take care of our kids and remembered another secret agent who has Tues. off. I called her and bless her boots off, she is sacrificing her day, coming over early in the morning and canceling her plans to take care of my kids so that I can have Agent B and my mom with me for the birth ;) The kingdom rocks and the CEO is awesome for providing for all our needs. In fact, this plan is better than our first one, because we won't have to get the kids up early and take them somewhere and we don't have to be in a rush trying to get agent B from work and car seats and kids to a sitter and us to the hospital. The thing is that I'm nearly dilated to a 5 and have quick labors, so if my water broke and we had to get everyone somewhere, it could have gotten really crazy and rushed. As it is, the Doc. should just be able to just break my water since that is how it went with AO#2 and I'm already so advanced to have her.

Thank you for your prayers in advance for a safe, healthy and uncomplicated delivery and for baby and me to come out healthy and for us all to adjust well to adding a new precious agent to our team. We are looking forward to all the ways we will get to know the CEO's love more through her and see His kingdom advance by His Spirit at work within her.

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