Monday, July 30, 2007

didn't even have to pick up the phone

We have little resources, but a lot of friends who share and a big, big God. I've always seen the CEO as a lover. He's the romancer of our hearts and lives. Most people would probably write off the little things I see as gifts from the Man as coincidence or happenstance, but I like to think of them as touches from Divine.

I'm trying to organize my life around a short trip to Dallas to spend a last day with my sister and her husband. This meant finding a sub for my swim classes, finding two umbrella strollers, having enough room in a vehicle... To me when there are all these details, I try not to stress about it. I figure if it's meant to be, the Lover will arrange all the pieces and make a way.

The vehicle and extra seats were provided, and a sub. I had on my agenda to call two friends for strollers, but before I lifted up the phone, it all just kind of came together. I got to meet up with two friends, while taking my kids to the park and two strollers found their way to me. This may all sound silly, but it's one of those things where I just have a deep sense that it was a touch, a smile, a little encouragement from the huge, great, awesome wooer to remind me that He will provide in the big areas ($ for bills, direction in life, direction in ministry) just as He has in the little.

These little surprises are the treasures of my heart.

The Touch

stollen kisses
race against time
sweet embrace
from the other side


Leanne Stewart said...

It's not silly at all. it's how it's supposed to be if we just let it.


miller said...

sometimes i think the reason so many can't see God in the big things is that they aren't looking for him in the little things...

like umbrella strollers or coconuts...


Deana said...

i love the little things!

Leanne Stewart said...

I LOVE Deana!