In the fair mother city, this somewhat small Texan city, I am often mistaken for being Hispanic. I'm not even sure if that is the kosher name to use. Jessie calls herself Mexican, although she is far from being from Mexico- to her it's a badge of honor. Being part of a minority group is cool here among the youth- or so I take it.
To people's credit, I am of mixed lineage and do have a permanent tan- but that's about where the similarities end. I still get cracked up over Hispanic names- of course the funniest of which is "Jesus" pronounced "Hey Zeus". Check out who my cashier was one night. I laugh and want to crack jokes every time my friend calls- her caller ID is her dad's name "Jesus". I always think- "wow, Jesus is calling". I'm sure they don't think it nearly as hilarious as I do.
Like how everyone here snickers if I mention the Canadian city Regina (pronounced like vagina with an R).
Anyways- my newest funny story...
I was visiting with some Hispanic friends and mentioned that I'm going to Canada for Christmas. Lady says- "that's right, you're from Canada- that's why you have an accent- you aren't Mexican are you? I could tell- your hair is different- but Canadians don't look like you do they?"
So I explain that my mom is Jamaican. Lady's cousin asks- "So, can you speak Jamaican?"
"They speak English", I explain.
"So can you speak it?", he asks again.
You gotta love it! Our 90 year old neighbor can not be convinced that Canada is another country. Jessie doesn't think Mexico is another country either. I don't think she has ever been, but her brothers have, many times. However, if you ask them if they've been out of the state or country, they will tell you no. I mean Mexico is just a half dozen hours away and it flavors the Fair Mother city with people, language, food and the gentle rhythm of another place, oh so subtly and seamlessly that sometimes it's hard to tell where it starts and where it ends.
And while our city has adapted fairly well to our large Hispanic population, it balks at the otherly diverse people immigrating here. ESL classes are geared for Hispanics, as one small example. They have had to start rethinking how to reach other people too- and that's not always a bad thing.
I would get a big laugh out of getting a call from "hey Zeus" as well. I so appreciate your advocacy for people without and your continuing to blog about it.
I enjoy your blog and always learn something new. Today you gave me some much needed laughs! Have a great weekend and God bless!
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