Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Princess update

Yesterday AO1 tells me that he wants to see Princess. I responded that she was very far away. He told me that we should drive.

Princess' mama, Martha calls today saying that Princess is being moved to the TYC in Brownwood.

Agent B says that's not far, we could drive and see her.

Martha calls again with an address where I could write Princess and I voice out loud that she doesn't write me back, does she still want contact, letters, or visits?

Martha explains that although Princess has written her family, she hasn't had much time or place to write and that it will be easier now that she is placed for the remainder of her time (a year) at a facility with her own room, window, locker... She said that Princess wanted us on the visiting list.

I guess I should trust more in the still small voice of the Lover and the little voice of my son.

I'm praying for breakthrough connection. We've had so little of those. Honest times of sharing (not just me, but her too). Visiting times are 1.5 hours! That could be a lot of heart to heart or awkward what else can we talk about time. Praying for the former.

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