Monday, March 5, 2007


I'm not even sure what to write concerning Rosaly. I first met her when I was matched with Princess. Rosaly is Princess' aunt. At the time she was homeless, living at Princess' house. I started coming around and when I found out she wanted to learn how to read better, I would visit her and we'd read. I've learned a lot from Rosaly. She's messed up bad on crack, has dyslexia, lost a baby, has been in and out of abusive relationships likely since childhood, definitely since adolescence, when she took to the streets, prostitution and drugs.

At first I was consistent in hanging with her and I know that she feels like I've been there for her as she's been in and out of homes and trouble with the law. In many ways I feel like she has been more faithful to me than me to her 'cause she continues to call over the years, although it's usually for help. Now that I have two kids, I haven't been able to taxi or help in other ways like I used to. The reading thing didn't last long, but the calls keep coming. Now she calls when she wants me to pray for her for help getting an apartment or to look up a phone number for her.

She's been living at Princess' house again for many months as she was evicted, but our prayers were answered today as she will sign a lease tomorrow on a place. This is somewhat of a miracle since she doesn't have a single good housing reference. She's been evicted from everyplace she's lived in the last 8 years, sometimes even from her family.

The reason of course is that she's still on drugs. I mean she never is when she calls me, every time she calls she's "been clean 3 months or 2 months or 4 months". She knows all the religious jingle about the Lover cleaning her up and taking her desire for drugs away and giving her the strength to keep off the streets. She rattles it all off with a singsongy voice.

I have so many mixed emotions regarding her. A long time ago, I had the feeling that the enemy was shaping Princess into her aunt. She too has dyslexia and is following the path. Ironically, as she's gotten older, her body has transformed and she looks more and more like her aunt each day. I told Rosaly how her religious rabble is harmful to Princess who knows full well that she is singing me a song and dance and that she is still out in the streets.

She's lost custody of her two teenage kids since I've known her. Her family has never shown much respect for her (although half of them are doing the same stuff). I don't want to lose hope for her. She's been through all sorts of programs and detox centers- but the enemy is so beguiling. Usually she gets lured back to the streets through the influence of boyfriends or people she lets stay in her home. One time she was trying to stay clean and told her friends not to bring stuff into her home. They showed up with some rocks and offered them to her for free.

What if my greatest vice was served before me on a platter? What if everyone I knew, including family, was into my vice? What if everywhere I walk in town has a link to a lifetime of living in this filth? What if the hiding and lying and unholy living is exampled and passed down by the patriarch of the family? Soon after I met Rosaly and Princess' mom, Martha, they found out that they were not aunt and niece, but half sisters. Their dad who was also a pastor here in town is both Princess' grandfather and great-grandfather. He impregnated his own daughter. This wasn't revealed to them until after his death. It says the sins of the father is passed down to the 3rd and 4th generation, but that the love of the Lover goes to the 1000th generation.

I don't share all this to expose Rosaly, Princess or their family, but to show you how desperate this is. I don't know what else to do, how to love, how any other way can come to them, but to pray, pray, pray. I used to think the soap operas and movies were exaggerated, but I've come to know through Rosaly and others that what is shown on the screen is only the half of it. I can not imagine my reality being such a twisted world.

Please join with me in pleading for Rosaly and the extended family, for Princess and for the light of love to break through their intense darkness.

1 comment:

miller said...

i'm prayin' now...
