Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sweet dream

People might look at it as a coincidence or a set of inevitable circumstances, the way we survive from day to day and month to month, but the Lover constantly reminds me that He is behind what is going on in our lives.

Sunday night I went grocery shopping. Shopping when there is little or no money is totally joyless. It's hard decisions, passing over everything fun or extra and doesn't flatter that power trip part of my identity, which I am now discovering that finds joy in making a purchase. In any case, I was getting groceries and saw some great sized and priced cantaloupes, but they weren't ripe. I took one anyways, but later returned it when I saw other good priced fruit.

The next morning I had a dream...
A lady I met at the cantaloupes had come to my house after I'd put up the food and slipped in to put vegetables in my refrigerator. Another friend also contributed and I found a cut cantaloupe in a drawer of our old apartment (which was now somehow in our house). I was telling agent B about all the food that showed up and then looked in the mailbox and there was the huge cantaloupe I had returned from the store.

A few hours later, in reality, a friend called offering a bunch of produce. Her husband brought it by, while I was out. So I did come home to a whole bunch of vegetables in the fridge (and some other goodies). He also left some money in the bathroom (???- which was an unlikely place like the drawer of the old apartment). Agent B got his first paycheck and last but not least, we received a huge check in the mail from income tax.

This is not the first time we've been desperately awaiting funds and a friend gave us something one morning (like a drop of cool water) and a bigger amount came in later that same day. Both times this has happened it has struck me that the friend's gift was like letting loose a dam.

I don't know if that is how it works. But we are so thankful, so relieved and refreshed. Thank you Lover and generous livers in the WAY!!!

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