Saturday, March 24, 2007

The road less travelled

Agent B and I are way behind the times when it comes to pop culture, movies... We just watched Matrix this month. I was amazed and encouraged. To me it was a total parable or allegory about life, the world, heaven, the Lover...

There was a phrase that hit me: "there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path". To me, this has been my challenge of late. Religion tries to dupe us into thinking that Christianity is like a test, that if you have knowledge or "the answers", you are on track, but the Lover takes everything further and pushes us past the norm. We may know the 2 greatest commandments, but do we stop to help the person in need? It says that even the enemy believes and faith without works is dead. Not that works are the end goal either.

The movie makes a great point in that we are counter culture, on a mission, but that the key is to know our true identity, not the little realm carved out for us here on earth, but our real selves that are crafted for greatness, heroic feats, transforming power, sacrificial giving of self for the greater good.

Oh to see with the eyes of the kingdom of heaven, to know that each act of kindness, every prayer, every sacrifice, the difficult and tender moments are shaping us, are changing the world are rescuing and freeing and true living. Constantly I feel the pressure of our rich, rich culture, luring me to be complacent, to live status quo, to concern myself with me and give up my true calling.


miller said...

i'm tellin ya,

ya gotta watch the village...

if ya liked the matrix, you'll like the village.

let me know and i'll bring it back over


Anonymous said...

"Take the red pill!!!!"

agent wife said...

was the red pill the one that took you in? Sometimes the lure is strong, like the Judas character said- I know it's not real, but I don't care, I want to feed my flesh anyways.

After a movie like that one, I feel like packing up all my stuff and giving it away. Then when I see something in my home I like, I think- hey I like that. The Lover wouldn't actually tell me to give THAT away. More and more I see how the Lover warned us about the lure of riches.

The homeless are so awesome at giving. They have so little and yet freely give all the time. Our most cherished xmas tree ornaments were beloved possessions of homeless given to us: a key, a change purse, an earing. I have so much to learn and grow into.

agent wife said...

miller- ok, but don't make a special trip. Next time we cross paths, we'll borrow it- on your strong recommendation- ha, ha.