Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The kingdom of God is like...

cutting teeth.

There may be stuff going on for quite a while before anything is noticeable. It can be uncomfortable and irritating. It can be a time of testing, changing, growing, maturing. It brings beauty, maturity, loveliness, new abilities, strength. It is not always in the order we assume and can lead to surprising developments. It may not always look perfect, or "right", or "normal", but it is vital to life and health. As participants, we do surprisingly little to help it develop, just foster an environment of good nourishment, rest, peace, maybe a visit to a doctor here and there. Mostly, we just hang on and the fruit comes on its own. We try to help with the pain of the growing, but it mostly has to just happen and we stand back after in awe of the beauty and goodness of it.


Darlene said...

I came across your site and wanted to leave a note to tell you how much I enjoyed reading it. My heart goes out to your friends in and from Africa. Thank you for writing about them and I shall add them to my prayers.

agent wife said...

Thanks Darlene.