Monday, October 1, 2007

Jenny, our 9 year old worship leader

Jenny and her friend were at our house hanging out as we made supper (which by the way was superb left over food from a friend/chef and some okra from Obiwan that Agent B fried up- so all provided from others). We invited the girls to stay. We crammed in around the kitchen table and Jenny insisted we all hold hands to pray. She said we were like a big family. We asked who wanted to pray, she started it thanking God for many things including the healing in her grandmother, then she told her friend to pray- the friend said "hi", agent B said "hi" too, agent offspring 1 mentioned some things and so did I, then Jenny said that on the count of 3, we all needed to say "I love you God" together.

Food has never tasted so good.
Update on Meshell and Ricky- he got to see the optometrist today and his glasses will be ready tomorrow.

Calling all prayer warriors- Princess' mom said she'll be part of a revival this coming weekend. Pray that the LOVER will do something mighty in her heart and tear down the walls she has so carefully imprisoned herself in so that she can be free indeed!!


trish said...

Talk about some serious fruit! I love it! I am so blessed by the life and Lover's presence in your home! May it multiply beyond our imagination.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that Ricky will have his glasses soon! Thanks for the update.
Joy and Peace,