Saturday, February 9, 2008


One of the fun things from our Izzy days was offering extras. I liked to help with cutting or doing hair- although I am not particularly gifted in that area. For people who have no money to do extras like that, they just appreciate a free cut or styling, no matter that it's not totally professional.

Big Buddy has his own hair style- long and crazy. I've been teasing him for years that I could braid it for him. He lets me wash and trim it, but has very specific instructions for cutting it. This last week, words I never thought I'd hear came from his mouth- "I was thinking you could plat my hair" (braid it). So I got to slip into my hairdresser disguise and infiltrate his home where he had old photos strewn about and stories to share. It was like a little oasis after leaving my home of fevers and crying, whining children. He also wanted an electric razor, so while I was out restocking my tylenol supply and getting a second humidifier, I picked out his new pride and joy. He gave me a very sizable amount of money. I thought it was exorbitant, until I got to the razors isle and found out they actually do cost a small fortune- at least some of them do- the ones that Big Buddy was interested in do.

Big Buddy has funny ways. He'll use the same hole filled towels, socks and blankets for 30 years even though he has drawers of new ones given to him as gifts. But if he is buying some food or something he needs- he won't settle for the store brand, or anything but the best. I'm the opposite. I almost always make my purchase according to the price tag.

So, I bought what he would have wanted, spent all the money he sent me with and got him a super duper electric razor. It was worth every penny. He was beaming as I showed him the features and strutted out his chest, laughing and saying that he was a big shot now. He's pinched and saved all his life and now this somewhat extravagant, yet small item gave him such delight and made him feel so valued. Exactly how he should feel.

I told him I'd take his picture in the morning with his new hair do and a freshly shaven face. He told me he'd be frying me up some pork steaks.

1 comment:

trish said...

That is awesome, I am glad you found reprieve from fluland. Wishing you and yours well.