Friday, February 8, 2008

Tott's treasures, vol.2- Moses

My kids love rhymes, especially if they have actions, so I created this one about Moses for them.

Little baby moses (make a fist with one hand and wiggle the thumb)
Floating in the river (cup the other hand for the basket and put thumb in it moving along)
Rescued out
to be the deliverer (remove thumb from basket)

God's people were in trouble (shake hands in distress)
Moses was the man (hold up thumb)
To lead them out
To the promised land (march thumb in front of other hand with fingers extended)

Listen to God's voice (hold hand to ear)
He'll call you too (point to child)
He'll guide you
And help you in all you do.


Anonymous said...

One thing that I am learning from you is to be more creative with my children. Recently, we have drawn pictures of all the different types of soil from the Parable of the Sower.(Matthew 18) We also used craft supplies to make pictures of Jesus and Peter walking on the water. It is fun to see a 7,4 and 2 year olds interpretation.

We also have started playing a game based on the Parable of the Lost Sheep. (Matthew 18)
One person hides and then the rest of the family looks for the lost sheep. When we find the sheep we rejoice and praise God that the one that was lost is found. We talk about how much God loves us. They really enjoy this game.

Thanks for the inspiration!

agent wife said...

awesome Sara! I'm going to use those ideas. They are great. If anyone else has ideas- please do share.