Monday, February 5, 2007

From the lips of children case#1

From the lips of children and infants, you have ordained praise (or strength) because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.- Psalm 8:2

I'm not sure what all this means, but as we journey together and observe maybe we can decipher it a bit. To tell you the truth, when I came across this text, I was taken aback by the 2nd half. I'm thinking children's words are sweet, cute and... you know, child-like. Here it says the Lover gave children and infants sounds because of His enemies, that they silence the foe and the avenger. Mark 10:14 says the kingdom of God BELONGS to them.

From the AO1 files:
We were driving, when out of the blue, he said: "Princess hiding?" I said: "no, but we need to pray for Jesus to deliver Princess". Immediately, I hear him use his prayer voice (it's gentle and quieter). I didn't make out most of his words, but he said: "Jesus.....Princess....Jesus". He prayed for about 30 secs which is a long time in his 2 year old lifetime.


miller said...

i don't know, maybe princess is hiding...

i love it when my little ones pray

i think God hears them much better than he does me


Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that little ones know His heart. They want to communicate and not hide. I had to smile while playing hide and go seek with AO1--because he always called out quickly and eagerly...he wanted to be found right away. Hiding wasn't fun--being found was. I suspect that as we get older and have more to hide, we start to dread being found.
Lil' Sis

agent wife said...

miller- I thought of that after the fact (that princess is hiding).

Sis- I never thought of that, about hiding not being fun and wanting to be found. I was too busy frustrated with him for not playing right!!

miller said...

all children play this way for the first few years. all three of mine do and, like you Angela, i was frustrated at first.

however, i have come to love the "hide and come find me" style as much or maybe more than the "hide and go seek" style...

there is great joy in both but it took me one kid to figure it out. poor Caleb, he's as much guinea pig as first son :)

agent wife said...

miller- have you ever played "sardines"? Talk about community. ONE person hides and as each person finds that one person, they have to hide with the first hider. It ends up that all the players hide together (which can be interesting) and the last person finds a whole mob hidden. So fun!