Thursday, February 8, 2007

From the lips of children case#2

AO1 can bring me to tears with his spiritual insight and I'm not easily brought to tears. If anything, I'm too stoic. I'm trying to overcome this. We've talked about Adam and Eve, you know the mommy version...

Adam and Eve disobeyed God. They got a spanking. Then AO1 asked about the Lover, so I replied that he always obeyed and never got a spanking (he did get whipping and lashing and all sorts of other hateful things, but that's for another cheery night time story).

Several nights later, AO1 sees the picture of Adam and points to it. He then had this powerful message:

"Jesus obey.

AO1 obey too.

People obey.

People changing".

I've never even heard him use the word "changing", but that is exactly what he said.

I am so thankful. Far too often I get overly cynical. I go through the motions and pray for people, but not always whole heartedly, not really believing change can or will happen, relying too much on what my eyes see and on what history suggests instead of clasping to eternal truths, those the Spirit so kindly whispers to me through the lips of a child.

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